How to check my staking position?
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Click [Address] - [My Portfolio] to navigate to the My Portfolio page.
View the current value of your holdings, APY, and earnings data.
Review a visualized pool holdings chart.
Click [Detail] to enter the corresponding pool and view more information.
Click [Fixed Staking], select the corresponding pool
click [Learn More]
If there is an existing position in Fixed Staking, you can view the following data:
Staked Amount (in base currency): The total amount of assets you have staked in the fixed staking pool, displayed in the base currency.
Total Earnings: The total rewards earned from the staked assets up to the current time.
Last 24H Earnings: The earnings from the last 24 hours.
Withdrawable Balance: The amount of staked principal that can be withdrawn after the staking period ends (once the exit time has passed).