How to trade my f/s Token?
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Last updated
Click on [Marketplace] on the left to enter the page.
If you want to trade fTokens, click [Flexible Staking] and select the trading pair.
If you want to trade sTokens, click [Fixed Staking] and select the trading pair.
Scroll down to the position section on the [My Portfolio] page, and click [Trade] next to the corresponding tokenized asset to enter the trading page.
Select your preferred trading method (including: Scan Mode, Transaction Mode).
Scan Mode: Allows you to buy tokens in bulk based on market orders (this mode currently does not support bulk limit orders).
Transaction Mode: Allows you to buy or sell tokenized assets at a specific price.
Select the desired order to purchase.
The selected order's details will be displayed below, including
number of orders
amount of tokenized assets
transaction amount
Click to proceed with the purchase.
Enter the desired price for the tokenized assets.
Enter the desired quantity of the tokenized assets to purchase.
Verify if the total amount is correct.
Proceed to place a buy order.
Enter the desired price for selling the tokenized assets.
Enter the desired quantity of tokenized assets to sell.
Verify if the total amount is correct.
Proceed to place a sell order.
After successfully placing a buy/sell order, scroll down to the Order section to review your current orders.
For orders that have not been fully executed, you can perform the following actions:
Modify Order
Cancel Order
Click [Modify] to trigger the pop-up window.
Adjust the desired transaction price for the order.
Adjust the desired transaction quantity for the order.
Click [Cancel] to cancel the corresponding order.